The Lighter Business Project

Gives you the clarity you need to take effective action!

Small businesses don’t need to be overwhelming

But so many of us think that’s how it is.

Coaches have told you to…

  • Simplify

  • Diversify

  • Streamline

  • Expand

So you have tried marketing strategies and tactics to fix cashflow problems. You have made new plans and thought once again “this time it’ll be different”…

But then a task you forgot reappears.

A deadline approaches and you’re not ready.

Why on earth does it still feel so chaotic?

Because you are trying to change the world.

Every small business is here to change something. It could be your clients’ lives. It could be an industry. It could be furthering a cause close to your heart. And changing the world takes practice!

The right skills can make changing the world feel lighter.

Project management is a skill we can all learn and implement in our businesses. It can help you serve your clients, stay on track towards ambitious goals, and even increase your capacity.

Whether you’re changing lives, industries or the world, project management helps you get sh!t done!

The best way to learn these skills? With your very own

Lighter Business VIP Week!

What’s included?

A start up call to help you get ready for your VIP week

Your VIP week with 6:30 hours of 1:1 coaching spread over 5 days

Weekly 1 hour coaching calls for 3 weeks after your VIP week plus WhatsApp and IM support

Access to a training archive with additional resources to help you make your business even lighter!

Early access to Lighter Business Project events

Build systems to help you reach your biggest goals, from publishing your first book to working with your dream client!

Understand Your Business

Gain a deeper understanding of your business, know where your priorities lie, and feel more confident taking your next steps!

Create Systems That Support You

Get support to create and implement systems to support you and make your business easier to run - all based on your strengths!

Reclaim your brain when you’re not working

Every task has a home, so you can log off knowing exactly where to start again next time. No more surprise tasks!

It sounds really cheesy, but it’s been an absolute game changer. Not just for business, but like, my whole life!

My brain feels empty and I feel much more chilled in the in-between moments. When I’m not actually working I can switch off more from the business. I know that everything’s fine.

And when things do pop into my head, it’s fine because I’ve got a system now where I can just dump it and then get back to it. It’s not just gone and forgotten.

It’s been absolutely incredible, and I can’t believe how much I’ve got done this week. Things that normally just wouldn’t get done.

I highly, highly recommend getting in touch with Seonaidh, because it’s been just life changing, as cheesy as that sounds!

Franki Kershaw

Owner of Wonderful Chaos Photography and Hypnobirthing with Franki
Capturing the wonderful in the chaos of life.

Your VIP Week Itinerary!

  • Get Ready Call | 30 minutes

    We’ll take 30 minutes to get you primed and ready for the week to come. I’ll ask you a few questions to get your mind in the zone, and answer any final questions. After this call it’s go time! 🤩

  • Find Your Chess Pieces | 1 hour

    You can’t play chess without knowing where your chess pieces are, the same goes for your Lighter Business! ♟️

    By the end of this session you’ll be able to see your business in front of you. We’ll get all of the tasks, moving parts, nice-to-have’s, lingering jobs, and regular maintenance on post it notes so you know exactly what you’re working with.

    After this session, I’d recommend you go for a walk and note down anything else that comes to mind over the course of your day.

  • Set Up Your Chess Board | 1:30 hour

    Using everything you pulled out yesterday we’re going to start the process of categorising, breaking down, and simplifying your chess board so you can see - at a glance - what’s on today, what’s coming up, and what your priorities are.

    We’ll set up Asana and start to populate it with your tasks - deep diving into any that feel particularly tricky. By the end of this session, your post-its will be arranged in Asana and each task will be a clear instruction!

  • Plan Your Moves | 1:30 hour

    Now you’ve got your tasks uploaded we’re going to zoom out and make sure your plans are achievable. This is where we toggle views and plan across all of the areas of your business. By the end of this session you’ll have a plan that feels do-able 💪

  • Process and Troubleshooting | 1:30 hour

    You’ve got your Asana board set up, and have started using it to map out your days - now we’re going to look at maintaining your board!

    We’ll talk through any other tasks that might cause you trouble. It’s normal to have some ‘slip’ in timescales, and have other projects that need a different approach.

    By the end of this session you’ll know the behaviour focused processes you need to maintain your system!

  • Playing Chess | 1 hour

    Now you’ve got a solid plan, it’s time to act. In the final session of the week we’ll talk motivation, support, and strategies to make sure you stay on track and moving forwards towards your goals.

    Depending on your needs, this may involve practical support, or some confidence boosting hypnotherapy to end your week on a chilled note!

  • After your VIP Week you’ll get WhatsApp check ins and voice note support for 3 weeks, and a coaching session each week:


    Review the Game Tape | 1 hour

    After a few days working on your own, we’ll meet back up and see how you’re getting on!

    This isn’t a check in on your work, but instead a check in on how your processes suit you. We’ll look at what you like and what you’d like to tweak, and put those changes into action right away!

    We can also manage emotional and mental blocks, or use this session for researching options to bridge any skill or capacity gaps.


    Review the Game Tape | 1 hour

    After another week, we’ll meet up for another check in! Just like last time, this is about what works, and what needs tweaked.

    Review and Next Steps | 1 hour

    And in your final session we’ll have a check in, make any remaining changes, and then talk about your next steps!

    We’ll make sure you have a clear plan, and should you need it, a clear route to accessing any support you need as you run your Lighter Business!

Need a flexible schedule?

All calls are booked to suit your schedule - it’s your VIP Week, so we can work around variable hours, childcare, and your preferences!

I signed up for the lighter business project day because I was feeling really overwhelmed with the day to day, lack of, productivity.

I’m running a start-up, so how much work I get done will, in part, determine how successful it is. I knew the basics of Asana and had been using it (in a non-effective way), so completely deconstructing how I had been doing it, and starting again, a better way, although it was tricky to get used to, has been so worth it, and the best way for me to stop, and start again.

Now, with some suggestions of other tools, that really compliment my ADHD way of thinking and working, I am much more able to get stuck into a productive day or work.

Seonaidh has gone above and beyond to help me, and I couldn’t have asked for a more lovely person to meet out of this. 

Jessica Potter

Co-Founder of Used and Loved
Helping second-hand become second nature!

Meet Lighter Business Alumni!


  • We can book your sessions at times that suit you, your clients and your lifestyle.

    All projects take an initial ‘oomph’ to get them up and running, and the Lighter Business Project is no different. I’d not recommend signing up the week before a big deadline, but most of my clients are really bloomin’ stretched when they sign up to work with me. We can work with your energy and capacity every step of the way.

    If you feel perpetually overstretched and overwhelmed, the Lighter Business Project can help you find your priorities and create plans that alleviate pressure in the short and long term. Plus, I’ll have your back throughout this whole process!

  • Where available, I will offer payment plans. You’ll be able to see all options at the check out.

    If you are going to place yourself in financial difficulty by booking this service, I’d ask that you take some alternative steps first:

    1. Reach out for professional financial support if needed.

    2. Read Profit First to help your business’ financial help.

    3. Read You Need A Budget to help your personal financial circumstances.

    While they aren’t a one size fits all, these two books have made a huge difference to my finances. I’d recommend all business owners read them!

  • There sure are! We can work with any project management tools you like, including Trello, Monday and Notion.

    First though, I’d like to show you how to use Asana as a project management tool instead of a task management tool. Most often, my clients who struggle with Asana haven’t been using its features effectively - that’s what I help you with! If after that Asana still doesn’t feel like, we can move. No questions asked!

    Why I like Asana:

    • It allows you to switch between ‘planning’ and ‘doing’.

    • Integrates with other software and tools like Microsoft Office and Sunsama.

    • Allows you to assign tasks to others and manage large complex projects or manage solo lines of work.

    • You can see all of your assigned tasks in one place.

    • When you check off tasks you will sometimes get a unicorn flying across the screen. What’s not to love? 🦄

  • Business coaching covers a wide range of topics and strategies - this is my take! The Lighter Business Project is project management training with coaching to help you implement the skills you learn. We’ll be focused on the point of performance while we work together, and the skills you learn here will help you implement any future business coaching!

  • If you’re not sure, let’s talk!

    This is a pitch-free call, and I’ll help you understand the issues you are facing then make a recommendation for next steps. The recommendations I make could be:

    • Signing up for the Lighter Business Project - I’ll only suggest it if it’s the right step for you!

    • Other coaching either from myself or another professional in my network.

    • A simple next step! Sometimes we just need a nudge, if there’s a simple next step you can take I will highlight it!

    • Other products or services that solve specific problems.

  • Yep! You’ll get support for the week of your VIP Week and 3 weeks after. If you need additional support or accountability after that, I’ll sign post you to the most appropriate options when we talk about your next steps.

    If you struggle with staying on track across multiple areas of your life I’d recommend my book, Why You Skipped Your Workout. It’s about everything that makes exercise possible, and has transferrable lessons for all areas of life!

  • When you work alone it’s especially important to know where you are spending your resources. Project management can help you prioritise and plan so you can use your strengths and time effectively.

    When working alone you wear multiple hats, the Lighter Business Project will introduce you to your inner project manager. This mode is a game changer for tackling bigger projects and reaching your biggest goals!

  • Nope, but I will help you explore the trade offs and options available to you so you can make decisions about how you spend your time. None of us have unlimited resource, but I know the call of a dual industry life all to well!

    Whatever your circumstances, we’ll work together to find an outcome that works for you!

  • Here are a few of the benefits my clients have shared with me:

    • Taking on bigger projects because they have the skills and confidence to go for it.

    • Enjoying their time off more and feeling more creative when at work.

    • Fewer surprises and a better picture of everything they have coming up.

    • Spend less time ‘choosing’ what to do and worrying they should be doing something else.

    • Look forward to starting work in the morning because they know what their priorities are.

    • Can break down lingering tasks and finally get them ticked off their lists.

    • Can more effectively delegate to their teams.

    • Lose less money due to missing emails or unfinished tasks.

    • More prompt with client work and clearer in their communication.

    • Able to work more effectively in their business and seeing changes in their income that reflect these changes!

    So while I can’t give you a numerical value, the ROI for Lighter Business Project owners is seriously significant!

  • Project management done right fits with the size of the project and the needs of the team. If something doesn’t support you, you don’t need to use it!

    For most business owners, we can go for a super light style of project management. If you need a more structured approach down the line, you’ll have access to additional resources after your VIP week!

  • Sure can! To show up for your clients and bring out your most creative self, you need to know everything else is in order. That’s exactly what the Lighter Business Project is here for!

  • Busy business owners who have been running their business for 2-5 years and still feel like they are wheel spinning.

    Motivated entrepreneurs with ADHD who need systems and support to make sure they don’t forget the more mundane tasks.

    Chronic system-hoppers, idea-havers, and last-minuters who want to feel more settled and lean into their biggest goals!

    If you’re not sure the Lighter Business Project is for you, book a chat here so you can make the right call for your business!

  • The Lighter Business Project works best when you have a clear goal to work towards. If you have a goal, but aren’t sure of your next steps then yes! The Lighter Business Project can help!

    If you’re not sure about the goal or next steps, you may benefit from some more traditional coaching first.

  • Regardless of the task, these skills come in handy! I’ve even got a separate project in Asana to help me manage my personal life 😉

  • You’re the expert in your needs and I’ll take every step I can to make sure you can participate in the training effectively and comfortably. If you need more breaks, a slower pace, or for a support worker to join you, we can make it all work! 🤩

    When you make your booking we’ll book in a call before your VIP week, we can discuss your needs there or you can email me anytime.

  • Yep! I managed multiple projects before I got my ADHD diagnosis. The key is working with your preferences and finding a system that makes sense for you!

  • The Lighter Business Project can help to reduce your mental load and assist you in planning your tasks at a manageable pace. If you need more support understanding the reasons behind your burnout and the patterns that signal you need a break, we can talk about that in some more traditional coaching sessions.

  • You only need to share what you want and we won’t discuss your financials unless you specifically ask to.

    This week is all about helping you get where you want to be, and the more you want to hide the more potential you have to explore. By sharing where you are you can bust a whole load of shame and solve a whole load of problems that SO many business owners have!

    And trust me, I’ve been through some less than ideal things and I’ve got the (bin-ready) t-shirt to show for it.

Click here to make your business lighter than ever!


Seonaidh Jamieson

Seonaidh (‘Shona’) is a business owner with a background in project management. With a career straddling the conservation and fitness sectors, she is all about getting sh!t done.

She’s on a mission to bring pragmatic, action-focused strategies and skills to small business owners. You know why you do what you do, Seonaidh is here to help you with the what, the how and the when!